Friday, June 6, 2014

Unity Photo's

Unity Photo's

D-Day WWII Battle & Favorite Photo's

 1. One of the famous war photographer was Frank Scherschel he took picture during world war II. He took photo's o the war and only 12 photo's survived.

2. The other founders was Robert Capa. He took photo's in 5 different wars and his brother kept his agency going.

3. Taylor's 5 Favorite Photo's
In this class i took at least 300 photos and i picked more than  5 photo's because i truly love all of my photo's that i took, and these photo's show how much progress i made this year.

Art contest

Unity Photo's

Friday, March 28, 2014

Abstract Portraits

I took this photo because these necklaces are my favorite and mean the world to me. These two necklaces have a meaning that no one else would understand.